Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Alcoholism And Alcohol Addiction Has Become A National Crisis

Alcoholism and alcohol addiction has become a national crisis. In the United States approximately 62,000 men died un-necessarily as a result of alcohol abuse in 2014. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is the fourth leading cause of preventable deaths with approximately 1.1 million men over the age of 18 currently receiving treatment for an AUD. Globally, the burden of alcohol abuse reflected 3.3 million deaths from consumption in 2012 alone. (NIH 2016). This case study of about a 66 year old male named Robert, who presents with long term alcohol abuse. Robert is married to Colleen for the last 44 years during which time they had two daughters. Robert is also a grandfather, brother and friend. His oldest daughter Harriet sought intervention†¦show more content†¦Robert was diagnosed with diabetes and prostrate problems (NIH 2016). More men than women use and abuse alcohol and drugs. Research indicates that 78% of men with an alcohol problem, have at least one other psychiatric condition (Capuzzi, Stauffer 2008). Biologically, one predisposed to addiction along with their environmental considerations during childhood, readies one to either become an addict or alcoholic or prepares them to withstand the influences. Harriet and her younger sister both have experienced untold influences due to their father’s drinking. Many adult children of alcoholics fear the loss of control in their own lives and try to control others through manipulation, fear or force. Very often adult children of alcoholics overdevelop their own sense of responsibility (ACA 2016). Harriet, sought out information on family intervention to help her father. She also held over him the possible loss of his seeing his grandchildren as motivation for his getting help.Taking care of her father by stepping up and making the call to a therapist for intervention is clearly an indication that Harriet has taken on the role of care taker in her family where chaos and uncertainly was the norm. She also contacted the residential treatment facility where her father eventually went, she made contact and with all the participants for the intervention, and she lead the way when the intervention group approached her father. The younger sister may have taken on the role

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